Faculty Profile

Faculty Headshot

Regina Schlee

Professor Emerita of Marketing

Email: rschlee@xlqx.net

Education: BA, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 1976; MA, Washington State University, 1978; PhD, Washington State University, 1981. At SPU 1984–2019. Emerita since 2019.

Regina Schlee is a native of Athens, Greece. She came to the United States for her undergraduate education after she received a scholarship from the Fulbright Foundation. After she completed her doctorate, Dr. Schlee worked as marketing research director for a marketing research firm in Bellevue, Washington. As a marketing research manager, she worked with advertising agencies, television stations, retailers, bankers, telecommunication companies, nonprofit associations, the Small Business Association, and many others.

After joining the faculty at the School of Business and Economics in 1984, Dr. Schlee continued her practice as a marketing research consultant and prepared psychographic profiles for consumers in 90 metropolitan areas in the United States and Canada. She has published papers in marketing education, consumer behavior, and international marketing.

Dr. Schlee has been the president of the Puget Sound Research Forum, director of the American Marketing Association, Puget Sound Chapter, and has served as president of the Marketing Educators' Association. She received an award for the outstanding article in the Journal of Marketing Education in 2011. In 2011, she was also named "Marketing Educator of the Year" by the Marketing Educators’ Association.

Selected Publications

  • Schlee, Regina Pefanis, Ross Stewart, and Don Summers, (2013), "Training Students for Entrepreneurial Activities: Lessons from a Social Venture Plan Competition," Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, (forthcoming).
  • Schlee, Regina Pefanis and Katrin R. Harich (2010), "Knowledge and Skill Requirements for Marketing Jobs in the 21st Century." Journal of Marketing Education, December.2010: 341–352.
  • Schlee, Regina Pefanis, Mary Curren, and Katrin Harich (2009). "Building a Marketing Curriculum to Support Courses in Social Entrepreneurship and Social Venture Competitions. Journal of Marketing Education, April. 2009: 5–15.
  • Schlee, Regina P., Mary Curren, Katrin Harich, and Tina Kiesler (2007). "Perception Bias Among Undergraduate Business Students by Major." Journal of Education for Business, Jan/Feb: 169–177.
  • Schlee, Regina P. and Jeffrey Van Duzer (2007). "An Examination of Alternative Approaches to the Treatment of Confidential Information in Live Case Projects." Marketing Education Review, 17 (2), 71–82.

Please view Dr. Schlee's CV (PDF) for additional publications.


Regina Schlee

Why I Teach at SPU

Regina Schlee, Professor of Marketing

"I love teaching students at Seattle Pacific University because of the special bond that is created between students and professors. I enjoy getting to know my students, explaining to them the contribution of the discipline of marketing to business and society, and discussing ethical issues that arise from the practice of marketing."